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Implemented Beta Move Game from its existing Week to a Different Week


It would be very useful to be able to move a match between weeks.

Currently we need to delete a match from one week and add it to a later week.

With Covid restrictions we have AFL games being shuffled around, between states and weeks.

The Premier League has matches moved around just about every week later in the season as clubs compete in other European competitions, weather issues and so on.

Allowing matches to be moved in the system means players don't have to re-enter their picks for those matches.
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This has been Implemented (BETA) in Pickem 2.2.4

This is a BETA feature and should be used with caution. I would highly recommend testing before using in production.

When editing a game and if the game is eligible for being moved, there will be a link titled "Move game" that lets you set the week in which to move the game to.

What determines whether a game is eligible or not to be moved?
  • If the Week that the game is currently in, is Locked, the game is not eligible to be moved!
  • If the Winner of the game has been determined and set, the game is not eligible to be moved!
  • If either the Visitor Team Score or Home Team Score has been set, the game is not eligible to be moved!
  • If there are no available weeks (future weeks) that the game can be moved to, the game is not eligible to be moved!
Note: Do not forget to change the game lock date after moving the game into a different week!


Clicking on the "Move game" link will launch an overlay that lets you choose a week to move the game to. Let's select week 4....

Note: The week in which the game already exists in will always be available to choose (in this case, week 2).


After Saving, the viewing user will be taken back to the Edit Game page.

As you can see, this game has been moved from Week 2 into Week 4.

Note: Do not forget to change the game lock date after moving the game into a different week!


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