Dude, NOTHING was Taken away from the existing Tabs cept that the PAID OUT tab has been limited to Settled Events Only (since Settled events have been PAID OUT, so that stat is available).
The 2 things that have changed is that the Sportsbook Home and Sportsbook Category paegs no longer DEFAULT to the OPEN FILTER being set. They now default to NO Filter being set. The other change is the new addition of the Upcoming Tab. As I've stated, the upcoming tab only displays OPEN events that are about to close.
The OLD system. When first landing on Sportsbook Home, the Newest Action Tab was active (which is sorted by most recently added). The OPEN filter was set by default which means that only OPEN Events were displayed.
The NEW system. When first landing on Sportsbook Home, the Upcoming Tab is active (which is sorted by close date ASC so that the events about ready to close are displayed so that people can make sure to get their bets in before the events are closed). This tab only fetches OPEN events.
BOTH system initially display only OPEN EVENTS.
Both systems let you fliter by OPEN, CLOSED, AWAITING and SETTLED. <--- that has not changed at all.
@Bob I want this page:
http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/sportsbook/?type=awaiting_settlement to display all those "ACTUALLY AWAITING SETTLEMENT" and not any "OPEN" events.
That is the new Upcoming Events. UPCOMING = OPEN EVENTS THAT ARE ABOUT TO CLOSE.
I have a feeling that you were the one asking me about modifying the programming code in the controller to change the PRE SET Filter from 'open' to 'awaiting_settlement', so that when first landing on the page, the Newest Action tab only fetched events "Awaiting Settlement". If that is the case, that doesn't work any more as the ability to PRE SET a Filter has been removed.