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Issue's after activation with different browsers


New Member
Hi Bob,

I have activated Showcase on my page this morning for all users.
Unfortunately I got a lot of reports that some functions of the normal xenforo are not working anymore.

The issue is reported on Mac OS X and Safari, Windows and IE 9

Please see enclosed pictures and see the error above the search box.
Do you have any idea what could be the issue?


FirefoxBildschirmfoto 2013-01-03 um 11-1.44.17.png


Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-03 um 11.42.02.png
Only thing I can think of is the amount of tabs on the nav bar. Some styles don't work well with many tabs. as they push to far to the right and it effects the links over the top of the search. This isn't caused by Showcase, its caused by the amount of tabs you have.