See the XF2 Manual for addon install instructions (they are standardized for all XF2 addons)
One of the first things you should do is make sure that all the Administrators have ADMIN Privs to use all the Administrative functions. Groups & permissions >> Administrators >> click on the individual admin and make sure to check "Manage Pickem"
Next thing to do is to set the Picks Layout Type Format: Options >> Pickem >> Picks Layout Format >> Choose between AWAY @ HOME or HOME vs AWAY. This will apply globally for ALL pools.
Initial Configuration takes awhile as there are A LOT of things you need to add based on the SPORT Types that you wish to use.
A Pool is associated with a Season within a Sport, so you need to configure a SPORT with at least 1 Season with at least 1 Week, with at least 1 Game before you can create your first Pool.
First thing you want to do is create a SPORT. Click on Admin CP >> Pickem >> Sport Management. Simply click on [Add sport] button (takes a couple seconds to add a new sport type.
Create Teams for Sport
Your Sport needs TEAMS... so click on "Teams" link ... Initially, there will be no teams, so you need to create them. Very simple process. Click on [Add Team], fill in the info, hit save.
Create Season for Sport
Your Sport needs SEASONS... so click on "Seasons" link ... Initially, there will be no seasons, so you need to create them. Very simple process. Click on [Add Season], fill in the info, hit save.
Create Weeks for Season
Next Step.. need to add some WEEKS to your new Season.
Click on "Weeks" (similar to Teams in the Sports Management).. [Add week].
Now, this is where you need to pay attention to what I have to say.
Week Names SHOULD be numeric ie 1 however, you CAN use names like Wild Card Weekend.
Using Names vs Numbers WILL mess with formatting in certain places (still working on a decent solution).. its best to just go with the usual number format.
DO NOT put the word WEEK in there.. just the NUMBER!
Start Date. This is the date the week becomes the default week for initial page viewing. Its best to have the start date at least 24 hours after the last games for the previous week.
Alert Date. This should be self explanatory, its the date that you want alert reminders sent out. A 2nd reminder will automatically be sent out 24-48 hours after the first reminder is sent out.
Lock Date. This is used to CLOSE the week (stop people from editing their picks for that week). Its best to set the Lock date when the first game for that particular week starts.
Last thing you do is to select the Time Zone for the dates (should be the standard time zone for the sport).. ie for NFL Games, the Standard time Zone used is Eastern Time. SO if the Patriots and Raiders game starts at 13:00 Eastern and you are in Mountain Timezone, the system will display 11:00 AM (as it should). Rinse and repeat for all weeks in a season (HINT: you don't need to add the ALL right away). Once you have a week added, the next step is adding Games.
Create Games for Week
Adding Games: To add games to a particular week, click on "Games" for that specific week. Click [Add game]. Select the Visitor and Home teams and click save. Rinse and Repeat to create all games for that particular week.
You can also bulk add games by clicking on the [Add games] button (is a bit quicker than adding them 1 by 1).
Create Pool
Now that Sports are done, its time to create your first POOL Admin CP >> Pickem >> Pool Management [Add pool]. Choose the SPORT and the Pool Type (Normal, Spread, Draw or Survivor). This will take you to a form appropriate for the Sport/Type of pool.
Give your pool a title, ie 2012 NFL Regular Season (Do not include the word POOL as the last word as that is auto appended in various places through out the addon). Choose a Season (this is what associates the Pool with the correct weeks/games). Next set the pool join permissions, and other misc settings for the pool (most of those can be edited, however, the season can not as that is locked in once you hit save).
At this point, you should have a minimum config complete Week 1 for your first Pool that is usable for your members
Once a game has been completed, you simply EDIT the game (click on the Game Title) and enter the score for each team. NOTE: You will notice that the default scores are -1 and -1 ... this is so that the system knows that the game has not been played yet as well as being able to enter a 0 to 0 tie (for DRAW pools).
Thats about it. Its pretty basic at this stage. More features will be added as time goes on.
See the XF2 Manual for addon install instructions (they are standardized for all XF2 addons)
One of the first things you should do is make sure that all the Administrators have ADMIN Privs to use all the Administrative functions. Groups & permissions >> Administrators >> click on the individual admin and make sure to check "Manage Pickem"
Next thing to do is to set the Picks Layout Type Format: Options >> Pickem >> Picks Layout Format >> Choose between AWAY @ HOME or HOME vs AWAY. This will apply globally for ALL pools.
Initial Configuration takes awhile as there are A LOT of things you need to add based on the SPORT Types that you wish to use.
A Pool is associated with a Season within a Sport, so you need to configure a SPORT with at least 1 Season with at least 1 Week, with at least 1 Game before you can create your first Pool.
- Create Sport (if doesn't already exist)
- Create Teams for Sport
- Create Season(s) for Sport
- Create Week(s) for Season
- Create Games for Week
- Create Week(s) for Season
- Create Pool (associate with a specific Season of a Sport).
First thing you want to do is create a SPORT. Click on Admin CP >> Pickem >> Sport Management. Simply click on [Add sport] button (takes a couple seconds to add a new sport type.
Create Teams for Sport
Your Sport needs TEAMS... so click on "Teams" link ... Initially, there will be no teams, so you need to create them. Very simple process. Click on [Add Team], fill in the info, hit save.
Create Season for Sport
Your Sport needs SEASONS... so click on "Seasons" link ... Initially, there will be no seasons, so you need to create them. Very simple process. Click on [Add Season], fill in the info, hit save.
Create Weeks for Season
Next Step.. need to add some WEEKS to your new Season.
Click on "Weeks" (similar to Teams in the Sports Management).. [Add week].
Now, this is where you need to pay attention to what I have to say.
Week Names SHOULD be numeric ie 1 however, you CAN use names like Wild Card Weekend.
Using Names vs Numbers WILL mess with formatting in certain places (still working on a decent solution).. its best to just go with the usual number format.
DO NOT put the word WEEK in there.. just the NUMBER!
Start Date. This is the date the week becomes the default week for initial page viewing. Its best to have the start date at least 24 hours after the last games for the previous week.
Alert Date. This should be self explanatory, its the date that you want alert reminders sent out. A 2nd reminder will automatically be sent out 24-48 hours after the first reminder is sent out.
Lock Date. This is used to CLOSE the week (stop people from editing their picks for that week). Its best to set the Lock date when the first game for that particular week starts.
Last thing you do is to select the Time Zone for the dates (should be the standard time zone for the sport).. ie for NFL Games, the Standard time Zone used is Eastern Time. SO if the Patriots and Raiders game starts at 13:00 Eastern and you are in Mountain Timezone, the system will display 11:00 AM (as it should). Rinse and repeat for all weeks in a season (HINT: you don't need to add the ALL right away). Once you have a week added, the next step is adding Games.
Create Games for Week
Adding Games: To add games to a particular week, click on "Games" for that specific week. Click [Add game]. Select the Visitor and Home teams and click save. Rinse and Repeat to create all games for that particular week.
You can also bulk add games by clicking on the [Add games] button (is a bit quicker than adding them 1 by 1).
Create Pool
Now that Sports are done, its time to create your first POOL Admin CP >> Pickem >> Pool Management [Add pool]. Choose the SPORT and the Pool Type (Normal, Spread, Draw or Survivor). This will take you to a form appropriate for the Sport/Type of pool.
Give your pool a title, ie 2012 NFL Regular Season (Do not include the word POOL as the last word as that is auto appended in various places through out the addon). Choose a Season (this is what associates the Pool with the correct weeks/games). Next set the pool join permissions, and other misc settings for the pool (most of those can be edited, however, the season can not as that is locked in once you hit save).
At this point, you should have a minimum config complete Week 1 for your first Pool that is usable for your members

Once a game has been completed, you simply EDIT the game (click on the Game Title) and enter the score for each team. NOTE: You will notice that the default scores are -1 and -1 ... this is so that the system knows that the game has not been played yet as well as being able to enter a 0 to 0 tie (for DRAW pools).
Thats about it. Its pretty basic at this stage. More features will be added as time goes on.
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