Your username here MUST MATCH your XenForo username (connected to your XF license).

    Once you have registered here, then you need to start a conversation at xenforo.com w/Bob and provide the following:
    1. Your XenForo License Validation Token
    2. The Domain Name associated with the License
    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified/met. Thank you for your patience.

Image size restrictions


CAS Premium
EMS Early Adopter
RMS Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
Does ShowCase adhere to XF standard attachment restrictions within /admin.php?options/list/attachments ??

I regularly have users unable to add images to their ShowCase item, because it doesn't tell them on the upload window, or anywhere within ShowCase.
No. Showcase has its own attachment restrictions set per user group.

Max attachments per Item: Unlimited or 0 + -
Max attachment file size in kilobytes (KB): Unlimited or 0 + -
Max allowed dimension for images (width): Unlimited or 0 + -
Max allowed dimension for images (height): Unlimited or 0 + -