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Further question to the FAQ


Didn't want to reply in that thread, as I think you want to keep that thread clean. From your post:
Why are my Items not displaying on the Showcase Home Page in any of the modules?

Answer: There are multiple reasons that this can occur.

1 - In order for any item to be included in any of the modules on the home page, it must have at least 1 image uploaded to it (uploaded into the items gallery, not embedded into content).

2 - Each module on the home page can be disabled via the Showcase Options in the Admin CP. When you set the amount of items to be displayed to 0, that will disable the module

3 - Top Rated. Only Items that have been Rated will display in this module.

4 - Moderated Items. Items that are set to moderated will not display anywhere except the Moderation Queue and in the Items Management (in the Admin CP).

For top rated items, I assume they need to be rated AND have a image uploaded?

Also, is it possible to make uploading images mandatory? For most, this wouldn't be a problem, but for the items my members submit, images strictly aren't necessary, and some of the fancy smancy stuff seems to rely on having images.
There are 3 Types of Layouts for the Showcase Home (Modular, List View and Grid).

List View (like the Resource Manager):
1. checks to see if there is a cover image and uses that in place of the Authors Avatar
2. if there is no cover image, it then checks for a Category Image
3. if no category image, then it displays the User Avy.

Modular and Grid (can not use Avatars, so in place of a users avatar, a Image Placeholder is used instead)

[X] Images Required for Modular or Grid Layout
If enabled, only items with at least 1 attached image will be displayed on the Modular Layout or on the Grid Layout. This option does not apply to the List View Layout.
1. Only grabs items that have at least 1 attachment uploaded

[_] Images Required for Modular or Grid Layout
If enabled, only items with at least 1 attached image will be displayed on the Modular Layout or on the Grid Layout. This option does not apply to the List View Layout.
1. checks to see if there is a cover image and uses that in place of the Authors Avatar
2. if there is no cover image, it then checks for a Category Image
3. if no category image, then it displays the Place Holder (No Image) image.

So for Top Rated, it depends on if you tell the system to pull with or without images.

There is no option for mandatory image uploading. You can request it in the suggestions forum. It would probably be a good idea (make it a per category requirement).
Thank you, seems like I was assuming it was the images that made it not work, while it was not. For some reason, the element:
<div class="bx-loading"></div>
Is not suppressed after loading. If I manually remove the z-index when the page is done loading, it will display as normal. For now, I have list view enabled, which works for me (I also need to style the grid view, and I am a bit lazy, so....).

There were some errors in the console, but as I hate the firefox built in tool, I will have to wait until I get home before I can make sense of it.
Got home, and saw that the error is:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) /styles/black_responsive/nflj/showcase/bxslider/bx_loader.gif
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) /styles/black_responsive/nflj/showcase/bxslider/controls.png
Copied over the nflj folder from the default style, and I got one step further. Now it is stuck at loading, but nothing ever happens. I checked the underlying elements, and it seems the img urls are just to timestamps:
<img src="?timestamp=1376580205492" class="resizecrop" style="display: block; height: 150px; left: 100px; top: 0px; position: relative;">

That might be what is causing it, I am unsure. Right now, I am not certain whether it is a style issue or a showcase issue, as there are no error in the console, so it seems the js stops at the loading parts and never move on from that. The Grid view is working after updating the style. Could it be that I have not defined a default image?

Nevermind, I was thinking of something else (category image). Module view is still not working though
Three questions,
Is it doing it with core xenforo default style?
Did you rebuild Showcase Thumbnails after the upgrade?
Is it displaying images in GRID View?
I just tested with the default, same behaviour there. Loading icon appears, and the images behind is just a timestamp. I did rebuild the cache, and the grid view works as expected after I copied over the nflj folder from the default style. However, the items that do have a image displays this just nicely, it is the ones that do not have a image which causes problems for me.
hmmmmm I can't reproduce it. Maybe try uploading the javascript files again. The images are pulled the same exact way for both grid and modular.... only different is that I have a slider wrapping the block.
Think I have found the issue. The template for grid view has this code:
                        <a href="{xen:link showcase, $item}">
                            <xen:if is="{$item.cover_image.thumbnailUrl}">
                                <img class="showcaseItemThumbnail" src="{$item.cover_image.thumbnailUrl}" />
                            <xen:else />
                                <img class="showcaseItemThumbnail" src="styles/default/nflj/showcase/category_images/{xen:if '{$item.category_image}', '{$item.category_image}', 'no_image.png'}" />

While the module has this:
                            <div class="showcaseItemThumb">
                                <a href="{xen:link showcase, $item}"><img class="showcaseItemThumbnail" src="{$item.cover_image.thumbnailUrl}" /></a>
When I copied over over the xen if statement to the module view, the featured worked as expected. I am not sure if there is a newer version available, I am running 1.3.0 RC1.

To clarify, I know this is an RC, and my original intention was just to figure out if it needed images to work in this mode. I am not even sure if I will ever use it, as the list view seems to fit my needs more, but when something doesn't work it kinda irks me the wrong way...
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