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Awaiting Feedback For Sale / Trade Ad Type


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
Our users are used to having a For Sale/Trade option for their ads. Selling a bass but would consider trades. :)

Looking at other ways I could let users indicate this...
Upvote 1
CAS has a Prefix System, so in theory, you could create a prefix "Consider trades".

Both Ad Types and Prefixes use the Core XF Button Class, so they are stylized the same, so they will blend together just fine.

They both appear with the Title of the Ad in this order... [Ad Type] [Prefix](s) Title. So it would look like [For sale] [Consider trades] 1969 Chevelle SS.

You can still FILTER by Ad Type "For sale" and then choose the prefix "Consider trades" to find items for sale that the owner is willing to consider a trade.

Then in the Ad Details, the owner can explain that they are willing to consider trades and include any pertinent details like what they'd consider trading FOR... eg, 400 head of cattle, an RV, a large boat, property etc etc etc..
I've used this solution and while it works, it doesn't allow feedback. There's a way around it by having the trader just do a buy/sell, but their trade item doesn't get counted, only the buy sell. A bit of a work around but not sure if it's big enough to warrant an extra type