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Classifieds search: "Ad Type" selection always yields zero results with XFES installed (works fine with standard search)


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
CAS Version
XenForo Version
PHP Version
8.x +
Database & Version
Are there any errors being throw?

I'm guessing this is a search index issue (using elasticsearch). Doing an advanced classifieds search (https://www.talkbass.com/search/?type=cas_ad), a search for "fender" will yield many results. But if the user selects "for sale" for the ad type and then searches for "fender", there are no results (even though most all of the previous results are in fact for sale ads).

I did just do a full rebuild of our search index via cli and it was successful, but this issue persists...
What version of CAS? Could be something that changed in XF 2.3 or XF 2.2.16 Patch 2 that is effecting the ad type filter on advanced search.
Was running 2.2.35. Just upgraded to 2.2.37 but no change on this issue. XF 2.2.16 PL2
Just fyi... its working fine at the Demo at Area 51 (XF 2.2.16 PL 2).

I notice that you have A LOT of additional inputs on the CAS search form. Did you disable those while testing to make sure those were not causing the ad type filter to not work?
I notice that you have A LOT of additional inputs on the CAS search form. Did you disable those while testing to make sure those were not causing the ad type filter to not work?
I am talking about these...

I did not - I'll try that in just a bit :)
That's the only thing I can think of besides an conflict with XFES or Elastic Search.

You can see that the ad type filter works just fine at A51. It works the same as the ad status filter (which works fine on your site).