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Exclude category items from home page


AMS Premium
IMS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
Is there a way to exclude (or only include) items from specific categories being displayed on the showcase home page where it shows the latest entries, etc?

Showcase 2.x or Showcase 3.x?

Showcase 2.x has an advanced feature known as "Modular Layout", which allows you to create blocks of content for specific categories (it replaces the standard INDEX list with more of a Portal like layout).

Showcase 3.0 does not have this.
is it current?
Yes, nothing has changed since its release, so any notes on Modular Layout should still be valid.

Steps: Implemented - Home Page Layout Type: Modular Layout (advanced setup required)

I've configured Showcase Home page to Modular Layout here (temporary) so that you can see what it looks like. I've configured 4 categories to push content to the Showcase Home page (each "module" is customizable).

Showcase | XenAddons - XenForo Add-ons & Custom Development
Hmm, I'm liking the flexibility here.. Pretty wild stuff.

Is there a way to give a list of latest from all categories in one block?

Hmm, I'm liking the flexibility here.. Pretty wild stuff.

Is there a way to give a list of latest from all categories in one block?

No, however, each category has a configuration option to display content from all of its children. For example, if you look here: Showcase | XenAddons - XenForo Add-ons & Custom Development the first block of content is for the Category "Aquariums" (which is a Top Level Category with several sub categories). This block is displaying content from the Category aquariums and all of its child categories.

The 2nd block of content is for the SUB Category "Muscle Cars" (which is a Sub Category of Vehicles). This block will not display any content that is in Vehicles directly, however, it will display content in Muscle Cars and all of that categories child categories.

The 3rd block of content is for the SUB Category "Sports Cars (which is a Sub Category of Vehicles). This block only contains content from that category.

The 4th block is a Top Level Category that only displays content from that TLC.

Each BLOCK is configured on a Pre Category Basis (each block has its own settings that only control that block).

The best way to see how hits works is to TRY IT. You can't screw anything up, its only DISPLAY (it doesn't delete any content, so there is nothing to worry about).

It is really powerful, but it does take TIME (to both LEARN and properly setup).
Hmm, so it would make sense in this case if I'd like all "latest" items to show across the board is to set a main category and put everything else into subcategories underneath it?

Still wrapping my mind around the flexibility behind this!

I would NOT suggest that. That is NOT what Modular Layout is designed for. Its designed to display several blocks from different categories (kinda like a Portal does).

I'd recommend hiring a developer (like Nixfifty) that knows showcase inside and out that could add a category chooser option that would let you select the Categories for the Home Page Index. That way you have all of the sorting and filtering available (which is NOT available on Modular Layout, as those are just blocks of content, not a LIST).
Ah, gotcha. I will do that, am familiar with Nixfifty. He could probably do a few additional tweaks for me as well.


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