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Answered Edit history log


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
Just like on forum posts, this would be SUPER helpful to have a CAS ad edit history available to moderators. Sellers on our site need to be able to edit their ad, but if they change the item condition, the mods need to know about it. :)

Thanks for considering!
Just like on forum posts, this would be SUPER helpful to have a CAS ad edit history available to moderators. Sellers on our site need to be able to edit their ad, but if they change the item condition, the mods need to know about it. :)

Thanks for considering!
All my addons implement Edit History Handlers (since XF 2.0 when Handlers were introduced) for all content types

CAS implements 7 Edit History Handlers (as shown below). Keep in mind, the Core XF Edit History handler is very basic and is designed for a single message field, so like the Ad Edit History Handler is only for the Ad Details, not every single field (that is not how the XF Edit History Handler works). These work just like Edit History for Posts, Resources, Media etc... if the viewing user has permission to view edit history, they will see the history link, just like you see on all content types that implement an edit history handler.


With that said, CAS has a comprehensive internal edit log feature that DOES track edits of important specific fields. You need to enable the CAS option as shown below (its enable by default).

If there is any logged edits, there will be an Edit logs link in the More options dropdown of a given ad (as shown below). Clicking on the link launches an overlay that displays specific (programmed) type of edits (Title, Description, Ad Type, Price, To Price, Sale Price, To Sale Price, Frequency, External Purchase URL, Employment Type, Wage Type, Compensation, To Compensation, Currency, Accept Offers, Amount Available and Amount Sold).

This is one of your Ads at Area 51. I just edited the Ad Details so that I could take a screenshot to show you that when there is Edit History, the History link displays next to the edit link (just like it does for Posts, Resources, Media, Comments, Profile Posts etc (standard location).


Here you can see the behavior when clicking on the History link. It does an AJAX insert of the XF Edit History controls (shared template macros).


The haviors are the same for all content types that implement an Edit History Handler. Example, clicking compare versions, launches an overlay that displays the version comparison (again, this is a shared macro that the Edit History handler uses for all content types).


In this screenshot, you can see that I edited and changed things like Price, To Price, Sale Price etc. There should be data in the edit logs for this ad now.


Open the more options... scroll down until you see the link "Edit logs" and click on it (note, you don't have moderator permissions at Area 51, so you won't be able to view edit logs as its a moderator function).


And here you can see that there are 4 logs entries pertaining to 4 price fields.


In this shot, I did another edit to a couple other fields.


Sounds like this is what you are looking for, but let me know if I am way off base (I usually am lol)
bob, you are amazing. Thank you so much for this. I’m not sure how our moderators missed the edit log (I’ll check the log setting) but I think they were maybe looking for edit logs in ads that were imported from our old forum, which of course would not have carried over.

I’ll pass this along!