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Current Stable/Supported Versions & Demos status

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Staff member
Current Stable/Supported Versions
  • Article Management System: AMS 2.3.7
  • Classified Ads System: CAS 2.3.6
  • Item Management System: IMS 2.3.6
  • Link Directory: LD 2.3.6
  • Review Management System: RMS 2.3.1
  • Showcase: SC 3.3.5
  • User Blogs System: UBS 2.3.6
  • Sportsbook: SB 2.3.4
  • Pick'em: PKM 2.3.4
Note: Keep in mind, I actively add new features and update/enhance existing features, in 3rd point releases. Most of the 3rd point releases are to push out new/updated features.

XF2 Demos site
These are the versions that are currently in use at XenAddons Demos
  • XenForo: XF 2.3.4
  • Article Management System: AMS 2.3.7
  • Classified Ads System: CAS 2.3.6 (awaiting content population)
  • Item Management System: IMS 2.3.6 (awaiting content population)
  • Link Directory: LD 2.3.6
  • Review Management System: RMS 2.3.1 (awaiting content population)
  • Showcase: SC 3.3.5
  • User Blogs System: UBS 2.3.6
  • Sportsbook: SB 2.3.4
  • Pick'em: PKM 2.3.4
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Just a heads up...

Now that I've released XF 2.2. RC 1 versions of all my addons (to Premium license holders), I plan on upgrading the XF2 Demos site from XF 2.1 to XF 2.2 and upgrading all the demos to XF 2.2 versions as it won't be long before XF declares XF 2.2. Stable/Supported (which at that time, I will be releasing XF 2.2. Stable/Supported versions of all my addons).
Just a heads up...

Now that I've released XF 2.3. Release Candidate versions of all my addons (to Premium license holders), I plan on upgrading the XF2 Demos site from XF 2.2 to XF 2.3 and upgrading all the demos to XF 2.3 versions as it won't be long before XF declares XF 2.3. Stable/Supported (which at that time, I will be releasing XF 2.3. Stable/Supported versions of all my addons and XF 2.2. versions of my addons will be EOL'd.
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