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    Once you have registered here, then you need to start a conversation at xenforo.com w/Bob and provide the following:
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    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified/met. Thank you for your patience.

Showcase Brilliant Add-on & Developer


Just wanted to provide some feedback.

I purchased Showcase probably over a month ago and ever since then Bobster has made significant update, after updates making his products better, more stable (even though they've always been stable) and strives to improve, which he always does with this fine product.

I expect this is the case for all his other products and a note to also say if you are considering purchasing from Bobster, I wouldn't hesitate. His products are Top quality, he provides excellent top notch support and as you can tell his latest update put a smile on my face. A very happy customer here.

Great work Bobster. Very much appreciate the time and effort you put into your products. :)

Ps. I still want my one line template edit. :D
Agree.... Bobster has been, by far, the best and most professional Add-on developer in Xenforo world. "A developer who knows how to run business... i mean like a pro".

Bob seems to be interested more in developing niche product (which is good) but i'd like him to take up more generic but much required addon like a CMS (Portal or whatever people might call it) or a Gallery... I already see the front end of a Gallery here.. Check this http://backcountrypost.com/forum/index.php?trail-guides/ (of course... have to give credit to Nick for his awesome UI Design skills too...may be in the future Bob should consult him for UI :D..)

Keep it up Bob..
Agree.... Bobster has been, by far, the best and most professional Add-on developer in Xenforo world. "A developer who knows how to run business... i mean like a pro".

Bob seems to be interested more in developing niche product (which is good) but i'd like him to take up more generic but much required addon like a CMS (Portal or whatever people might call it) or a Gallery... I already see the front end of a Gallery here.. Check this http://backcountrypost.com/forum/index.php?trail-guides/ (of course... have to give credit to Nick for his awesome UI Design skills too...may be in the future Bob should consult him for UI :D..)

Keep it up Bob..

* Agrees* Looks great btw

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