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Resolved Are comments subject to user's ignore lists for the latest comments widget?


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
It seems that ignored user's comments still show. This is just from user reports, I've been unable to test yet. Not sure if it's possible to run comments through the ignore system...
The comments widget definitions have programming code to overfetch and then remove comments that the viewing user does not have permission to view as well as remove comments that are by members that they ignore.
Found the problem... this was NOT properly implemented in the CAS Latest Comments Widget Definition. I've updated the definition, tested it and it now properly removes comments from any ignored members as well as any comments that are associated with a classified ad in which the owner is ignored by the viewing member. This update will be included with CAS 2.3.2 :)

Note: This fix has been applied to AMS, CAS, Link Directory, Showcase, Pickem and Sportsbook as well.
@kontrabass have you been able to test this yet? I've done some LIMITED testing (that is a very broad feature as comments are displayed all over the place, so there could be specific pages, blocks or widgets that might not have the ignore class).

It would really help if you could get specific pages from these members.
Bob, I haven't gotten any more feedback regarding this. I think it may have been from a widget? I'll see if I can get more feedback.
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Bob, I haven't gotten any more feedback regarding this. I think it may have been from a widget? I'll see if I can get more feedback.
The comments widget definitions have programming code to overfetch and then remove comments that the viewing user does not have permission to view as well as remove comments that are by members that they ignore.

Widgets work a bit different than listings as on listing, you can actually ignored comments by unhiding them. Widgets don't do that, they simply remove unviewable and ignored content from the result set before its even exposed to the template.

Gives me something to check ;)
The comments widget definitions have programming code to overfetch and then remove comments that the viewing user does not have permission to view as well as remove comments that are by members that they ignore.
Found the problem... this was NOT properly implemented in the CAS Latest Comments Widget Definition. I've updated the definition, tested it and it now properly removes comments from any ignored members as well as any comments that are associated with a classified ad in which the owner is ignored by the viewing member. This update will be included with CAS 2.3.2 :)

Note: This fix has been applied to AMS, CAS, Link Directory, Showcase, Pickem and Sportsbook as well.
Found the problem... this was NOT properly implemented in the CAS Latest Comments Widget Definition. I've updated the definition, tested it and it now properly removes comments from any ignored members as well as any comments that are associated with a classified ad in which the owner is ignored by the viewing member. This update will be included with CAS 2.3.2 :)

wonderful! thank you!