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Any "Getting Start" Document?


New Member
Hi, I just bought Showcase and I'm setting it up. I've just installed the addon successfully, but what's next? I see a lot of option to set which I have not idea what is it, but for those I want to do, I can't find where to set it. I want to add showcase to the menu bar with the title "Review", it's not show up by default. I also want to set Showcase as the site home page, how to do that?

Do I need to follow the step in this thread:
But what should I add as the LINK?

I may have many more questions to ask, but, if there is a "Getting Start" document, that'd be very helpful.

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Hi Nobita,

Yes, there are a lot of options. Please take the time to see what every option does. You will find out that Showcase is very flexible. For a showcase tab, this should be visible at the location you have selected in the main showcase options. You can then rename it to 'Review' by changing the phrase.
I want to add showcase to the menu bar with the title "Review", it's not show up by default.
You have not set User Group Permissions related to Showcase yet. This is the first POST INSTALL step that you should perform after installing ANY addon. The Navigation Tab for Showcase requires the User Group Permission "View Showcase". btw, Showcase has an interface that lets you set Showcase Permissions without having to scroll through all the xenforo & other addon permissions. You CAN set permissions via the User Group Permissions interface still, this is just a lot easier.


I would suggestion that you read the Sticky Threads in the Showcase Support forum.
I also want to set Showcase as the site home page, how to do that?
Have a look to this. I think that´s what you´re looking for.
