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How does a member know if a new article has been posted? I don't see that feature...

Is there a way to batch update all users to watch a category?
I use the Core XF "Watch" system, which there are no functions for that available. Would have to be something custom developed. IIRC, there is a suggestion for this for Forums and if XF implemented this, it would apply to Categories in XFRM, XFMG, AMS, SC etc as well.
One last question for you @Bob. Currently I have all my articles in a forum node. Is it possible to bring those post into AMS?

One last question for you @Bob. Currently I have all my articles in a forum node. Is it possible to bring those post into AMS?

Yes, AMS has a "Convert thread to article" function.

Wow, I have over 2000+ thread that would need to be converted one at a time. Doesn't seem logical to go through that pain...lol
Wow, I have over 2000+ thread that would need to be converted one at a time. Doesn't seem logical to go through that pain...lol
Ya, its not designed as an importer, its a moderator tool for 1 off converts eg, Member accidentally posts a thread when they should have posted an article. This tool allows staff to convert those mistakes.

It wouldn't be hard for a seasoned developer to write a simple addon to add Inline moderation tool to bulk convert Threads to Article (or Articles to Threads).

Might want to check with @mysiteguy to see if he has an importer from Threads to AMS Articles.
You're not a seasoned developer?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
lol I am, however, I am not taking on custom development right now due to having several dozen large scale addons that still need updated to XF 2.3 ;)

Talking to a couple developers to see if they'd knock out a free addon that people could download and use.