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Implemented Add FAQs similar to RMS and CAS?


Active Member
AMS Premium
CAS Premium
EMS Early Adopter
IMS Premium
LD Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium
It would be awesome if IMS would have FAQs similar to RMS and CAS. :)
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This has been implemented in IMS 2.3.6

This is a permissions driven feature that applies to Item Owners and Contributors.


When Item Owners or Contributors have permission to post frequently asked questions on their own items, they will see an [Add faq] button.


Clicking on the [Add faq] button launches an overlay that lets the viewing user add both the frequently asked question and the answer.


There is also a new IMS Global option that allows you to display a Frequently asked questions block on the Item Overview page.


Note: The upgrade process includes rebuilding questions, which checks to see if the question is owned by the Item Owner or Contributors and if it is, will convert the question into a frequently asked question.