sportsbook 1.7.0

  1. Bob

    Implemented Sort Type/Tab: Paid Out (minor change)

    ee this POST in the full Suggestion thread for the MINOR CHANGE::
  2. Bob

    Implemented Sort Type/Tab: Upcoming (minor tweak)

    see this POST in the full Suggestion thread for the MINOR CHANGE:
  3. Bob

    Implemented XF Quick Search: Search Sportsbook Events Only

    NOTE: This was a [PAID] request that has been graciously donated back to the community for inclusion in core. As per title, the option to search Events only via xf quick search (default CHECKED). All Sportsbook pages now are default checked to search Events Only via the Quick Search. NOTE...
  4. Bob

    Implemented Home/Category Page: Sort Order Types & Default Sort Order Type

    NOTE: This was a [PAID] request that has been graciously donated back to the community for inclusion in core. Starting with Sportsbook 1.7.0, you can now set which Sort Order Types (Tabs) to display on the Sportsbook Home page AND Sportsbook Category pages. Sportsbook Home and Sportsbook...