showcase 3.1.8

  1. Bob

    Implemented Category Option: Default tags

    This has been implemented in Showcase 3.1.8 Note: This only applies during the Add item process (does not come into play anywhere else). The Category Add/Edit form now has a new input titled "Default tags". This allows you to add tags that you want to pre-load into the Tags input on the Add...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Widget Definition - Showcase: Latest reviews, Display style: Full - Carousel

    As per title, I've updated the Widget Definition - Showcase: Latest reviews and added a new Display style which allows you to display latest reviews in a Carousel style widget. I've designed REVIEWS carousel to match the ITEMS carousel as that made the most sense of all the design types I...
  3. Bob

    Implemented Widget Definition option: Require cover or content image

    I've added a new option to a couple of the existing Widget Definitions included with Showcase (Showcase: Latest items and Showcase: Featured items) As you can see in the image below, there is a new check box input that allows you to require that an item has a cover image set or be in a category...
  4. Malchishka

    Updated Image gallery location - Above item

    I apologize for my english, i use google translator :) I propose to change the location of the images when choosing "Below item".