showcase 3.0.0 rc 6

  1. electrogypsy

    Fixed server error when trying to delete a review reply

    XenForo Version String: XenForo 2.0.11 Addon Version String: Showcase 3.0.0 RC5 Stack Trace: below Can you reproduce it here? haven't tried on this board, just mine. Must be able to reproduce on the Default XenForo Style. yes, reproducible :) Include as many details as possible along with...
  2. electrogypsy

    Fixed Missing description upon creating an item

    XenForo Version String: XenForo 2.0.11 Addon Version String: Showcase 3.0.0 RC 5 (in case of a specific build) Addon Version ID: 2090170 Stack Trace: none Can you reproduce it here? not on this site, but on my site, yes. Must be able to reproduce on the Default XenForo Style. yep, same...