sc 3.3.1

  1. Bob

    Release Showcase (SC) 3.3.1 Released

    Showcase (SC) 3.3.1 Released. Important Note: This version of Showcase has a minimum XF version requirement of XF 2.3.0 Release information: If you are a licensed customer with current support, you can download now. To extend...
  2. Bob

    Fixed Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Template public: trending_content_item_sc_item is unknown

    As per title.. Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Template public: trending_content_item_sc_item is unknown Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public: trending_content_item_sc_item:simple is unknown Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public: trending_content_item_sc_item:article is...
  3. Bob

    Fixed Section Tabs not displaying if Custom Field Content Only (no section text)

    As per title, Section Tabs are currently NOT displaying if the Section only contains Custom Fields (no Text or editor disabled for that section). This has been resolved in SC 3.3.1 (for XF 2.3) and XF 3.2.25 (for XF 2.2). Note: This also fixes the TOC(s) (both the dropdown nav and sidebar...
  4. McAtze

    Fixed Lost Showcase phrase in AMS

    There is a lost showcase phrase hidden in AMS 2.3.0 :LOL: :ninja:
  5. McAtze

    Fixed Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined (Legacy Showcase BBCode)

    When creating a item i got this issue in the browser console..
  6. Mouth

    Fixed Permission\CategoryList does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s

    Click Category Titles @ /admin.php?permissions/xa-sc-categories/ gives a PHP error ... An exception occurred: [InvalidArgumentException] Class XenAddons\Showcase\Permission\CategoryList does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s in src/XF.php on line 1129 XF::stringToClass() in...