ams 2.2.2

  1. Bob

    Implemented Inline editing for User Reviews

    As per title, I've implemented inline editing for User Reviews. I am sure everyone knows what inline editing is, so I am not going to explain that...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Allow Owner/Co-Owners/Contributors to Vote on Article Reviews

    As per title, allow Owner/Co-Owners/Contributors to Vote on Article Reviews. Instead of just allowing this to happen by editing the current permission check, I've instead made it permission based (so those of you that like it how it is now, can still have it that way and those that want to...
  3. Bob

    Implemented Rate/Review before registering via writing before registering system

    Rate/Review before registering To attract new users to your forum, ratings/reviews can now be submitted by guest users, using the writing before registering system Here are a few screen shots... not much to show as it works the same for Threads, Posts, Resource Ratings, Media Gallery comments...
  4. Bob

    Implemented Comment before registering via writing before registering system

    Comment before registering To attract new users to your forum, comments can now be submitted by guest users, using the writing before registering system NOTE: AMS has both the ability for Guest Posting (has nothing to do with the write before register) AND also has Comment before registering...