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Awaiting More Details Suggestions for better performance?


AMS Premium
CAS Premium
RMS Premium
SC Premium
Hi Bob!

We're days into our Xenforo 2 upgrade, along with it we've imported our entire classifieds forums into CAS.

Page loads are snappy on all other pages in the site, but everything in CAS is slow. Like 6-10 seconds loading a page.

I've got people looking into the server, mysql queries etc., but just wanted to see if you knew of any tips or tweaks to help.

The only other thing that comes to mind is maybe some missing index's on various CAS tables. Start a Ticket with me so that we can troubleshoot INDEXs on CAS Tables on your server.

Will do. Confirmed that Xon's fix was already in place.
Since not all of us follow the Xenforo official forum what is this "fix" that was referenced?
Try Xon's recomendation as posted here...

set global join_cache_level=0;

This has worked for everyone that has had the same issue as you are having. I had one RMS client that has 5 million items and his went from 30+ seconds to under a second :)
I don't take the time to deep dive into all the areas of XF issues that I used to. My priorities have changed over the years and certain aspects have higher priority as I enter EOL stages.
I really need to start some planning.