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Resolved RSS feed for articles

Old Nick

AMS Premium
CAS Premium
LD Premium
SC Premium
UBS Premium

Is there a way to get a RSS feed from AMS ?
I don't want to import a RSS feed to articles but export my articles in a RSS feed. ;)

Thank you !
Is there a way to get a RSS feed from AMS ?
Yes, works the same as XenForo does.

There is an RSS feed for AMS Index page. You can either just use the URL to the Index page (as most modern feed readers will pick it up as an RSS feed) OR for older feed readers, just append index.rss to the end of the URL (again, just like XF).


https://demos.xenaddons.com/articles/index.rss <--- that is the AMS RSS Feed for AMS Index page at my XF2 Demos site. See how I just appended index.rss to the URL? If you view with Chrome, you will see RSS formatted data (with FF, you can't).

Also, each Category Page also has its own RSS feed, just for articles within that specific category (including children).


https://demos.xenaddons.com/articles/categories/science-technology.3/index.rss <--- that is the AMS RSS Feed for AMS Category page "Science and technnology" at my XF2 Demos site. See how I just appended index.rss to the URL? If you view with Chrome, you will see RSS formatted data (with FF, you can't).

Hope that makes sense, and like I mentioned, GOOD RSS Feed readers should pick up on the default URL without having to append index.rss to the end of the URL (just like with XF/Forums/Threads/Users)