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Reset all Sportsbook stats


Active Member
AMS Premium
CAS Premium
SC Premium
Power Rankings
Hi, is there a way to resent all sportsbook stats, even a sql query i can run?

Need this urgently.
Yes and No. The stats are dynamically generated from data within Events, so the only way to "reset" is to remove archived events. What "stats" are you most concerned with?
Yes and No. The stats are dynamically generated from data within Events, so the only way to "reset" is to remove archived events. What "stats" are you most concerned with?
pretty much everything in the sportsbook-stats/page...i dont mind deleting whatever is needed bro, perhaps a quick sql u can give me that i can run?
Yes and No. The stats are dynamically generated from data within Events, so the only way to "reset" is to remove archived events. What "stats" are you most concerned with?
any idea if there is a quick way of removing archived events? Either via Sql (too scared to try something on my own haha), or do i need to manually remove each archived event?
To remove an event, you also need to remove all outcomes for that event (they are stored in the outcomes table) and all wagers associated with each outcome (wagers are stored in the wagers table). You also need to remove comments, newsfeed items, alerts, likes (for both comments and the item). So an event consists of a lot of chained data. It really needs to be done via php because of the complexity.

So to answer, no, there is no "quick" way and there is a reason for that (as explained above).

I can add in a feature to remove ALL archived events. Just start a thread in the Spostsbook suggestions forum asking for it.