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Not Planned Option to auto lock thread

Rangers Nation

New Member
AMS Premium
Would love an option to auto lock the thread on creation when a new article is created. I want to use the commenting feature for articles but am also creating a thread in the forum for that category to alert members a new article was created and "click here" to read and discuss. This would be handy for same function with Sportsbook and Showcase too ;)
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Can you not just create a node to put the posts in and have that node so nobody can reply in the Advanced Options for that node?

Screen Shot 2024-12-26 at 8.13.46 PM.png

You can also set whether it shows up in the trending/new posts notices.

I do similar for several of mine, but do not list them in the node list as I rather use the Join Discussion instead of the commenting system. I do have mine where the users can post new messages due to this reason.

Now, if you are tossing them into an existing node with other topics, your suggestion would be the best solution.
I could, but some members only float in the node of their team, so might not see it in another node. That is why I have it go to that teams node. and then delete the thread once the event/game is no longer relevant but still can comment in the article
I've marked this as "Not planned" so that you can pursue custom development.