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Awaiting More Details CAS Feedback link


New Member
CAS Premium
EMS Early Adopter
IMS Premium
I'd like to see if its possible to hide after a period of time the link to the listing in Classified Feedback.

Is it possible to hide the link from other users on a group based permission or some other way so that limited groups can see the link? The main reason is for security for certain items as it builds a catalogue of the users possessions of things they've sold or purchased. For our use case this is fine temporarily, but over time this starts to add up in value and can be a security risk for buyers or sellers.

I think its great to see the feedback but would be nice to have a feature to hide what it is even if its there so you don't have an itemized inventory of the persons possessions for all to see. I'm not sure if others have this issue but putting it out there.

Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 11.24.08 AM.png
Upvote 1
I've marked this "Awaiting more details" as you've not included a single detail (Options, Permissions, User Actions etc) detailing HOW this would work. Its YOUR suggestion, yet you can't even tell me how you envision it working?

Example... what exactly determines when an association to an Ad, Item or Thread is "hidden" and to Whom is it hidden from (obviously Admins still need to see it as well as Ad Owner and Team Members). Hiding it from registered users is probably the only thing I am willing to consider due to existing functionality that requires admins and Ad Owners to see any associations (especially tied to Transactions).

Anyway, please update your suggestion with more details (the more then better and please do not ask me questions, just post your opinion on how every aspect of it should work).

I vaguely remember that eBay at one point had the ability for buyers to set private transactions, which when viewing feedback did not include the product that they purchased (this was several years ago while developing the initial version of CAS and eBay changes features more than I change my underwear).

Anyway... please, MORE DETAILS about how it should work ;)

I would add an admin setting for the link in CAS settings to view Classified Ad links. By default everyone view is set to yes or inherit so its always visible but can be turned off via group permissions.

View associated feedback link: Yes No Never | inherit

Screenshot 2025-02-07 at 6.18.46 PM.png

This would manage the block for the Classified setting..

Screenshot 2025-02-07 at 6.20.34 PM.png

If set to Yes the link would display.


If set to No for the group, the link would not be displayed but the text would still be displayed.