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Not Planned AMS Visual Enhancements


New Member
AMS Premium
I'll start by saying that Bob's AMS has been a fantastic add-on. We have had great success with replacing Wordpress over the last year as a CMS.

I'm wondering if Bob would consider spending some time or outsourcing some resources to improve the visual display of the widgets and the article pages. While they're fully functional, they lack a modern design to them, and I often get comments that our CMS content does not look very modern by today's standards.

Thanks for consideration!
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When I do the redesign for XF 3.0, its going to follow Core XF Default Style standards.

If you don't like the Core XF Default Style, then you are going to have to contact someone that does custom design for a living (like @Russ from Pixel Exit) and have him do a custom style for you, that includes custom design for AMS (he does A LOT of this for A LOT of clients that use my addons). Russ loves working on and customizing AMS. He's done some amazing customizations. He doesn't bite, so reach out to him lol

I am marking this as "Not planned" as I am NEVER going to do CUSTOM design that goes against Core XF Default style standards in any of my Addons.