showcase 2.9.3

  1. Bob

    Implemented Showcase Rebuilds: Rebuild Showcase Item Location Data

    I've added a new Showcase Rebuild - Rebuild Showcase Item Location Data This rebuild function was part of the Rebuild Showcase Items rebuild, however, that rebuild was getting a bit to heavy, so I split this process into its own rebuild. This rebuild only handles rebuilding the Item Location...
  2. Bob

    Updated Showcase Rebuilds: Rebuild Showcase Items

    I've updated Showcase Rebuilds >> Rebuild Showcase Items. This particular rebuild was getting a bit heavy, so I've moved the rebuildCoverImage() function out of this rebuild and into its own rebuild. I also removed the rebuilding of location data cache into its own rebuild. All other...
  3. Bob

    Implemented Showcase Rebuilds: Rebuild Showcase Cover Image Cache

    I've added a new Showcase Rebuild - Rebuild Showcase Cover Image Cache This rebuild function was part of the Rebuild Showcase Items rebuild, however, that rebuild was getting a bit to heavy, so I split this process into its own rebuild. This rebuild only handles rebuilding the cover image cache...
  4. Bob

    Updated Sorting By rating weighted value instead of rating average value

    ... Suggestion from a Showcase Early Adopter (EA) license holder made at my private development site. In a nut shell, I am switching from sorting by the Rating Average to sorting by Rating Weighted. Its based on this : Bayesian average - Wikipedia // same as the xf resource manager to...