sb 2.3.2

  1. Bob

    Release Sportsbook 2.3.2 Released

    Sportsbook (SB) 2.3.2 Released. Important Note: This version of Sportsbook has a minimum XF version requirement of XF 2.3.0 Release Information: If you are a licensed customer with current support, you can download now. To...
  2. Bob

    Fixed Comments posted by ignored members are being displayed in Latest Comments Widgets

    As per title, comments posted by ignored members are being displayed in Latest Comments Widgets instead of being removed from the result set as is with all other Sportsbook Widget Definitions and Sportsbook Content Types. Also, comments posted on Events in which the Event Owner (Bookie) is...
  3. kontrabass

    Resolved Are comments subject to user's ignore lists for the latest comments widget?

    It seems that ignored user's comments still show. This is just from user reports, I've been unable to test yet. Not sure if it's possible to run comments through the ignore system...