pickem 2.3.0

  1. Bob

    Release Pick'em 2.3.0 (Stable/Supported) released

    Pick'em (PKM) 2.3.0 (Stable/Supported) released. Important Note: This version of Pick'em has a minimum XF version requirement of XF 2.3.0 (Stable/Supported) Release Information: https://xenaddons.com/products/pickem.4/release/2-3-0.1472/ If you are a licensed customer with current support...
  2. Bob

    Implemented Embed your pickem content anywhere

    Re: XF 2.3 - Embed your content anywhere As EmbedResolver is a Content Type Handler that developers use to make that content type Embeddable via a EmbedRenderer. An EmbedRenderer is what a content type uses to RENDER (Display) an EMBED in that piece of content when viewing it. Oickem 2.3.0...