ims 2.2.22

  1. Bob

    Release Item Management System (IMS) 2.2.22 Released

    Item Management System (IMS) 2.2.22 Released. Important Note: This version of Item Management System requires a minimum of XF 2.2.2 ! It is highly recommended to read all the implemented suggestion threads and bug fix's so that you are familiar with them prior to upgrading. See: Item...
  2. Mouth

    Fixed Permission\CategoryList does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s

    Click Category Titles @ /admin.php?permissions/xa-ims-categories/ gives a PHP error ... An exception occurred: [InvalidArgumentException] Class XenAddons\IMS\Permission\CategoryList does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s in src/XF.php on line 1129 XF::stringToClass() in src/XF/App.php...