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Implemented Option to set CSS for fields

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Regarding to: http://xenaddons.com/threads/how-to-show-checkbox-fields-result-next-to-each-other.1812/#post-8784
I wish you add an option to create or edit fields page (both item and review field) so that it let us add some CSS Style to it (not to the appearance of field itself that is shown in create item page, but to appearance of the result that will be shown in item page)
This work was done once in Custom Tab Add-on. As you see here:
This really helps us and would be warmly appreciated.

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You can already do this. Every custom field has its OWN unique CSS class that has been added specifically for customization purposes.

the classname is combining a standard classname + the field Id: customShowcaseField + field ID eg customShowcaseFieldci_rating_test3

I know, as I said in my other thread (its link is in my first post) even I did it.
But having a place right in field option page to add css in it (like screenshot attached to first post) will be much more direct and easier.
Now we should add our custom codes to EXTRA.css for each field and if we decide to edit it one day, we should go to EXTRA and find it.
But going directly to edit page of field will be really easier and more logical and direct.
If you see it reasonable, hope to be implemented.
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