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Feature Showcase Items via Core XF Featured System

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Just FYI... I've not implemented any "Featured Handlers" for any of my addons because all of my addons already have a much more feature rich featured system. This was discussed at Area 51 and all Premium license holders had several MONTHS to provide their input. It was 100% unanimous to keep the existing featured system until such time that XF enhanced the new featured handler to at least include auto featuring by criteria.

When XF enhances their Featured System (which is very basic) and includes feature like auto featuring based on criteria, I will considered implementing a featured handler for all of my addons and removing the legacy featured system.
I could not post this as a suggestion in Area 51. No privilege's. I understand what you are saying. How ever I feel like this provides a temporary cap between SC and Xenforo and makes the user interface more complicated.
I could not post this as a suggestion in Area 51.
Nobody can. I made an announcement well over 6 months ago stating that any and all suggestions and or bug reports need to be posted here.

What I am talking about has nothing to do with you posting suggestions. Its about me asking for FEEDBACK/INPUT for new/existing features which I post threads in the Feedback/Input Needed Forum

There is a dedicated FORUM there where I ask for Feedback/Input on features. I'd suggest watching that forum so that when I ask for Feedback/Input on new or existing features, that you chime in with your opinions ;)

Locking this as its already been suggested and I've already announced that I have no plans to implement this until XF developers enhance the Featured Handler to include AT LEAST the ability to auto feature content by Criteria).
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