sportsbook 1.10.4

  1. Bob

    Updated Upcoming/Paid Out Sort Orders and Status Type Filters

    As per title, I've made some changes pertaining to the "Upcoming" and "Paid Out" sort orders in conjunction with Status Type Filters. Since these 2 sort types only fetch OPEN and SETTLED events (respectively), the Status Filters will now be removed from the FILTER menu when viewing these 2...
  2. imthebest

    Implemented User criteria: User has less than X sportsbook cash

    Hi Bob, I would like to create a new Notice and target it for members that have less than 1 of Sportsbook's cash available (they can't play anymore if the Cash to Poor system is disabled). So my suggestion is to include a new criteria like this "Sportsbook - User cash is less than 1". Thanks...
  3. imthebest

    Implemented User criteria: User has placed no more than X wagers

    Hi Bob, I would like to create a new Notice and target it for members that have not placed any wager yet (i.e. have not used Sportsbook on my forum) as a way to encourage them to start playing with the system. I have checked all the current criteria options included and none seem to fit my...
  4. imthebest

    Implemented Use the Default Outcome Sort Order Type for outcome order on the Settlement Form

    I have just configured the following: Outcome Sort Order Types: [X] Date Created Default Outcome Sort Order Type: Date Created Default Outcome Sort Order Direction: Ascending And it works just fine when viewing an event, however, when settling an event, it is not respecting the configuration...
  5. imthebest

    Fixed Recent Wagers Profile Tab not displaying PUSH results

    Hi Bob, I have just settled the event by checking all the three checkboxes corresponding to "Push". Yet when I check the profile of a member that placed a wager of $30 to the outcome "Team B", under the "Sportsbook" tab I still see: Team B Team A vs Team B Event settled 5 minutes ago Staked...